FLAUNT! Find Your Sparkle & Create a Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal Archives with Lora Cheadle
Feeling Empowered, Sexy & Free after Betrayal – With Jolie Dawn
02-15-23 Feeling Empowered, Sexy & Free after Betrayal – With Jolie Dawn Betrayal takes many forms, but its impact remains significant. And even the seemingly “old traumas” and incidents from childhood have an effect on our present lives and relationships. Today’s...
Your Divorce Survival Guide – With Kate Anthony
02-08-23 Your Divorce Survival Guide – With Kate Anthony Are you having trouble deciding whether you should stay or go? Is part of that indecisions because you are afraid of what divorce might do to your kids? Then this is the show for you! As Kate says, “Do not let...
Can I Recover From Infidelity?
02-01-23 Can I Recover From Infidelity? Are you afraid that you are too broken to recover from your partner’s infidelity? You are not alone, and although the journey is arduous to be sure, the truth is, you can recover and thrive after infidelity. In fact, your life...
Giving Yourself What You Need During Affair Recovery
01-25-22 Giving Yourself What You Need During Affair Recovery Recovering from infidelity and betrayal requires you to get all of your needs met. Affair recovery is brutal, on many different levels, and if you are going to survive and thrive, then you must take care of...
Mapping the Affair Recovery Journey
01-18-22 Mapping the Affair Recovery Journey Intentions are powerful, but without a map of how to get where you want to go, chances are, you won’t! Whether it’s healing from betrayal on your own, building a new relationship, or saving your marriage, you need a solid...
What’s The Difference Between Resolutions, Intentions, & Manifesting?
01-11-22 What’s The Difference Between Resolutions, Intentions, & Manifesting? Happy 2023! While I’m not big on New Year’s Resolutions (because statistically speaking, only 9% of resolutions are successful) I am big on manifesting and setting intentions. Top...
The Number One Mistake People Make in Manifesting & Setting New Year’s Resolutions
01-04-22 The Number One Mistake People Make in Manifesting & Setting New Year’s Resolutions If you’re anything like me, you’ve set, and then failed at, a New Year’s Resolution before. Whether it’s an attempt to manifest your way out of debt or pain, or into a new...
Men, Validation & Infidelity with Alicia M. Walker, Phd
12-28-22 Men, Validation & Infidelity with Alicia M. Walker, Phd Have you ever wished you could sit down with a cheater (whether your partner or somebody else) and ask them what the heck was going on in their minds when they cheated? Why they did it, what they...
Questions About Infidelity
12-14-22 Questions About Infidelity What do you want to know about infidelity, betrayal, and affair recovery but are afraid to ask? Join Lora for an intimate deep dive into the truth about affairs, infidelity, and betrayal. Better yet, if your question was not...
The One Reason All Cheaters Cheat
11-30-22 The One Reason All Cheaters Cheat All cheaters cheat for one reason and one reason alone. Because they have a hole inside of themselves that they can’t fill. And because they also can’t identify or describe what’s wrong inside of them, they make excuses, I...
Understanding Money-Your Post-Infidelity Plan with Barbara Huson, formerly Barbara Stanny
11-23-22 Understanding Money-Your Post-Infidelity Plan with Barbara Huson, formerly Barbara Stanny Infidelity creates turmoil both personally and financially. Not only must you make decisions about yourself and your marriage, but you also must face some very real...
Gratitude & Grace After Betrayal & In Life
11-16-22 Gratitude & Grace After Betrayal & In Life Gratitude during trauma, grace during rage, and experiencing the full range of our emotions is what living is all about. Join Lora for an hour of heart-felt wisdom on how to sprinkle gratitude, like an...
Mars, Venus, & Relationship Dynamics with Dr. John Gray, PhD
11-09-22 Mars, Venus, & Relationship Dynamics with Dr. John Gray, PhD Men and women are different. Regardless of gender dynamics, gender roles, or the fact that all humans embody both masculine and feminine energies, (and hormones) the push-pull dynamic of...
Sacrifice & Relationships – What’s Too Much?
11-02-22 Sacrifice & Relationships – What’s Too Much? What’s the difference between healthy sacrifice and over-sacrificing? Did you know that sacrificing too much for your partner can actually damage your relationship? New research out of the Netherlands points to...
Rewrite Your Betrayal Story
10-26-22 Rewrite Your Betrayal Story Humans love story. Throughout history we’ve told stories, learned through stories, and lived out our stories. But here’s the thing. While infidelity and betrayal may be a chapter in the story of your life, it is only a chapter!...
Take Back Your Life & Reclaim Yourself After Infidelity
10-19-22 Take Back Your Life & Reclaim Yourself After Infidelity Everyone loves to get pumped up and excited about how great they and their lives will be after infidelity or divorce. But sometimes, when life returns to “normal,” they feel like they have failed....
The Couple’s Therapy Experience – with Shane Birkel
10-12-22 The Couple's Therapy Experience – with Shane Birkel Have you thought about couple’s therapy? Or, perhaps you have tried therapy but it really wasn’t a fit. In this episode we will talk about the couples’ therapy experience and what you can expect, receive,...
Why It’s Normal to Hate the Other Woman More Than Your Cheating Spouse
10-05-22 Why It’s Normal to Hate the Other Woman More Than Your Cheating Spouse Oftentimes women confide to me that they feel angrier at the other woman than they do their cheating spouse. They say that even though it was their partner who broke their wedding vow,...
How to Increase Your Frequency & Manifest – Even After Betrayal with Wendy Kennedy
09-28-22 How to Increase Your Frequency & Manifest – Even After Betrayal with Wendy Kennedy Exploring manifestation, Universal Law, and energetic frequency is an exceptional way to release trauma and fear so you can move from a state of victimhood to a state of...
Why It’s Healthy to Not be Okay – The Power of Sacred Grief & Rage
09-21-22 Why It's Healthy to Not be Okay – The Power of Sacred Grief & Rage The pain and devastation of infidelity is something that only other survivors can truly appreciate. And while everyone loves a happy ending, a great comeback story, and triumphing over...