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11-02-20 Environmental Action During the Pandemic and How to Maintain Momentum

Guests: Eric Magers, Sara Spellman, Ashley Desrosiers, Seaside Sustainability

Located in Gloucester, MA, Seaside Sustainability provides project-based learning, meaningful internships for students and volunteer opportunities for people of all ages. Well-accustomed to virtual programming, Seaside has maintained its unique internship program, which engages hundreds of high school and college students around the world in meaningful hands-on study, giving them the experiential training required to become future leaders in the stewardship of our planet. Seaside promotes best practices for sustainability and inspires meaningful advocacy and active engagement. The organization works with schools, cities and towns, environmental groups, technology companies and individuals to ensure the healthy future of oceans, rivers, wetlands, and estuaries around the world. This episode begins with a story walk along the docks and shores of West Falmouth Harbor to learn about oysters and how they are handling ocean pollution.

Our first guest, Eric Magers is the Founder and Executive Director of Seaside Sustainability. Recognized as a thought leader, Eric has garnered dozens of local, state and national awards. His Green Scholars curriculum has been adopted by school systems across the country, and his outdoor education programs are replicated near and far.



Sarah SpellmanOur second guest, Sarah Spellman is an Intern Director at Seaside. Her work focuses on the development and management of Seaside’s virtual internship program, and she works hand-in-hand with the Legislation team.



Ashley DesrosiersFinally, Ashley Desrosiers is a vice president at FoodMinds, a strategic food and nutrition and communication agency. As a board member at Seaside, she contributes her strategic planning and marketing expertise and her commitment to protecting the world’s waterways and marine environments. All three will be sharing the details of some exciting projects such as the development of a sustainability calculator.


Story Walking Blog: EcoDetectives take a Dock Walk –

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