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Show 08-06-09 Elizabeth Harper is an internationally acclaimed teacher, intuitive, healer, and author with an extensive clientele including royalty, government officials, celebrities, authors, scientists, and professionals from all walks of life.
From an early age she was able to perceive auras, see and connect with spirit beings, predict the future, and transmit healing energy. Her yogini mother nurtured Elizabeth’s connection with spirit by teaching her Eastern philosophies and psychic awareness. She trained as an intensive care nurse and later pursued professional education as a healer and psychic medium at the College of Psychic Studies, Spiritualists Association of Great Britain, and the Arthur Findlay College, all renowned institutions in the UK. During her development she has been privileged to study with many wonderful teachers, particularly healer Matthew Manning, and renowned trance channeler Ivy Northage who continues to work with Elizabeth from spirit.

Her reputation as both a talented teacher and healer is reflected in her book Wishing: How to Fulfill Your Hearts Desires published by Beyond Words/Atria/Simon & Schuster May 2008. This and other titles currently in the works will launch her as a powerful voice at the forefront of the spiritual movement. Elizabeth is also the creator of the Chakra Workout Meditation CD, designer of the color healing energy Rainbow Spirit Jewelry line, and originator of the innovative ColorScope oracle.

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