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04-06-21 Dreams & Nightmare Interpretations During COVID! 

Kat Kanavos says, “Nightmares are gifts in disguise! Come claim yours.” Join host Kat Kanavos- The Queen of Dreams- for Dreams and Nightmares during the COVID Lockdown that have become both entertaining and frightening. The dreams include Toy Lego Cars with Lego People to voices warning of dire health issues. I have received so many emails from show listeners and social media followers concerning their dreams and nightmares during the COVID Pandemic. On this show we are going to delve into those dreams, nightmares and their possible meanings. “Because you have sent me so many dreams and NIGHTMARES I am dedicating my shows to addressing your concerns during the series.”

Bio: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos: aka The Queen of Dreams, Syndicated Columnist, PR Guru, VIDEO Podcaster/Show Host Dreaming Healing, 3-time Breast Cancer Survivor, multi award-winning author, and Dream Expert seen on Dr. Oz, DOCTORS, NBC, & CBS. Divine Dreams diagnose her illness. Kat and Duke U Radiologist Dr. Larry Burk co-wrote, (2018 Nautilus Award Winner) Dreams That Can Save Your Life. She’s an Author/Lecturer Keynote who promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Divine-guidance through Dreams. “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @

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