Dreaming Healing Archives with Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos
How to Self-Advocate During Crisis: Dreams, Auras, & Voices
03-11-25 How to Self-Advocate During Crisis: Dreams, Auras, & Voices. Many people ask me, “Kat Kanavos, how did you self-advocate during your health and life Crisis?” It was not easy but the choice was to stand strong and live or remain silent and die. This is...
Intuition: How to Become More Intuitive
02-18-25 Intuition: How to Become More Intuitive Guest: Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos, host of Dreaming Healing Video Podcast on Dreamvision7 Radio Network, aka Kat-The Queen of Dreams, 3x Cancer Survivor, International multi-award winning author and speaker, dream-health...
How to Survive any Crisis: When BAD things happen to GOOD people
02-04-25 How to Survive any Crisis: When BAD things happen to GOOD people… Guest: Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos, host of Dreaming Healing Video Pod-cast on Dreamvision7 Radio Network, aka Kat-The Queen of Dreams, 3x Cancer Survivor, International multi-award winning author...
Dreams, Tuning Forks, Chakras & Swordfish
01-21-25 Dreams, Tuning Forks, Chakras & Swordfish Guest: Rev. Rachel Love is a Reverend for Unity Worldwide. She is a video pod-cast producer, author, and speaker who is making a difference in the world of health by using nature, faith and aligning chakras for...
2025 Year of the Snake Dream. What Can They Mean?
01-14-25 2025 Year of the Snake Dream. What Can They Mean? Snakes have been creatures both worshiped and feared. What commonalities do dreams, the two-faced Roman god Janus, and the Chinese brown wood snake share as we enter 2025? January was named after the two faced...
Peter Canova, Hurricanes & Quantum Spirituality
12-31-24 Peter Canova, Hurricanes & Quantum Spirituality Peter Canova https://www.petercanova.com/ is a businessman, award-winning author, and national speaker who is “Merging the Past and Present to Show Us Our Future.” Everything on earth has a purpose and...
Dreamy Writers Cruise Presenters #2
10-01-24 Dreamy Writers Cruise Presenters #2 Hey writers, dreamers, and authors, come Sail With Us on the Dreamy Writers Conference Cruise to Alaska the last week of August 2025, which is the first week of the Northern Lights! Tune into the show to "Meet the Cruise...
Dreamy Writers Cruise Presenters #1
09-17-24 Dreamy Writers Cruise Presenters #1 Hey writers, dreamers, and authors, come Sail With Us on the Dreamy Writers Conference Cruise to Alaska the last week of August 2025, which is the first week of the Northern Lights! Tune into the show to "Meet Your...
That Think You Do: 60 Ways To Be Healthy, Happy & Hold Off Harm
08-20-24 That Think You Do: 60 Ways To Be Healthy, Happy & Hold Off Harm Have you ever wondered about how to think like an expert, the difference between your inner critic and the actor within, your ability to be heard, the value of being a musician, how to...
Quantum Spirituality wins 13 Awards!
08-06-24 Quantum Spirituality wins 13 Awards! About The Show- Many of us dream of writing a book, possibly getting it published, and just maybe winning a Book Award. But 13 Awards in 1 year? For the same book? Is that even possible? And how do you do that as a...
Kat Answers All Your Dream Questions #3
07-16-24 Kat Answers All Your Dream Questions #3 “Dear Audience, You have sent me so many important, heart-felt questions concerning writing, authorship, publishing and dreams that I was unable to address in previous shows due to time restraints. Well, I am going to...
Kat Answers All Your Questions #2
07-02-24 Kat Answers All Your Questions #2 "Dear Audience, You have sent me so many important, heart-felt questions concerning writing, authorship, publishing and dreams that I was unable to address in previous shows due to time restraints. Well, I am going to answer...
Hay House author Marie Diamond will Feng Shui Your Life
06-18-24 Hay House author Marie Diamond will Feng Shui Your Life! Rooted in the ancient Chinese culture, Fen Shui is an energy system that helps people to lead happier, healthier, and more successful lives by arranging their living space in a balanced and harmonious...
Kat Answers All Your Questions
06-04-24 Kat Answers All Your Questions "Dear Audience, You have sent me so many important, heart-felt questions concerning writing, authorship, publishing and dreams that I was unable to address in previous shows due to time restraints. Well, I am going to answer...
Kat Kanavos’ True Story Time -The Little Book That Could & Did!
05-21-24 Kat Kanavos’ True Story Time -The Little Book That Could & Did! Authors and writers, you may have heard of the Children’s Story, The Little Engine That Could? Well, this is the True Story of the Little Book that Could And DID! Kat shares her personal...
Publishing Trends Today with Literary Agent Devra Jacobs
05-07-24 Publishing Trends Today with Literary Agent Devra Jacobs What is going on in the world of publishing? Can first-time authors still get traditionally published? What are the different types of publishing available to authors, what are the differences between...
UFO…Contact from the Pleiades
04-16-24 UFO…Contact from the Pleiades Can there be other beings from planets, galaxies, and Universes “out there?” Have beings from other planets visited us? Many humans, including scientists, air traffic controllers, and everyday people, say “Yes!” Well, where is...
Dreams & Sleep for Restore Health, & Disease Reversal with Dr. Joseph Scherger
04-02-24 Dreams & Sleep for Restore Health, & Disease Reversal with Dr. Joseph Scherger Sleep and dreams are essential to our restorative healing and remission. How important is it for our healthy life? Dr. Joseph Scherger is here to tell us. According to...
Devra Jacobs and A Happy Move
03-19-24 Devra Jacobs and A Happy Move According to research, moving is a highly stressful life event, and on average 15.3 million American households move each year. This extreme fear of moving has a medical name: Agoraphobia, an irrational and extreme fear of...
Teresa Velardi & A Daily Gift of Hope
03-05-24 Teresa Velardi & A Daily Gift of Hope Rooted in the ancient times HOPE has always been a beacon of light in our Darkest Hour, so it must work. Can it also work to help us live our DREAMS? Teresa Velardi is here to answer that question and much more from...