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Dr. Peter VanAmburgh08-17-23 Transformational Leadership with Dr. Peter VanAmburgh

Scarlett and Dr. Peter VanAmburgh discuss incorporating transformational leadership into all aspects of our lives including schools, homes, and communities. By being the first to ‘step off’ which is the origin of the concept, leaders can facilitate positive change, inspire, motivate and cultivate trust. They discuss how to facilitate change within an organization, positive attitudes and engagement. Using leadership theory and illustrative stories from Dr. VanAmburgh’s military experience, the audience will understand how to incorporate Dr. VanAmburgh’s philosophy of leadership: “A leader’s role to help make other people successful.” Words+Actions=Truth. Tremendous conversation and much needed to learn how to overcome resistance and transform culture.

Dr. Peter VanAmburgh started 1Mission Leadership when he retired from the U.S. Army as a Colonel after 28 years of demanding leadership assignments in Long Range Surveillance, Special Forces, and Intelligence units. He holds a Doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Argosy University, Master’s degrees from Kennesaw State University and the U.S. Army War College, and is a graduate of a host of military schools including Special Forces, Ranger, Jumpmaster, HALO, and the Counterintelligence Special Agent course. He has the benefit of possessing unique technical competencies as well as experience leading large organizations and highly skilled multinational teams in combat operations, humanitarian missions, and other activities in over 15 countries around the world. In addition to his military service, he also served as police officer for three years, worked in various industries for five years, and has over six years of teaching experience at undergraduate through doctoral level. His work bridges the strategic to the tactical, and his teaching is as valuable for senior executives as to their first line supervisors. He is a master at strategic planning, deciphering culture, and developing action plans that deliver results. He is also a lifelong learner who lives his favorite mantra, “If you are not getting better – you must be getting worse.” His passion is passing on the hard-learned lessons from the battlefield, boardroom, classroom, and the street, to the next generation of global leaders. Check out Dr. VanAmburgh’s website:

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