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Deb Silke, owner of Pet Wellness Resource CenterAs a pet owner, it is not news to you that an ever-increasing number of veterinary practices have gone corporate.  As veterinarians seasoned by years of experience and applied common sense retire, having your ‘own’ personal veterinarian has become a thing of the past.  Revolving door veterinarians and a huge reliance on multiple lab tests with repetitive courses of drug therapy are fast becoming routine in pet health care.  We believe there’s a better way. Let’s keep our pets healthy!  We at the Pet Wellness Resource Center have created a new specialty called Pre-veterinary Health Care. Our mission is wholistic in that we see your pet not just as a set of symptoms but as a whole and many faceted individual. Achieving optimal health, happiness and longevity for your pet is our primary goal. What we offer has been designed in such a way that we can work with you and your pet by telephone no matter where you are located.

To assist you in making the best and most informed choices for your animal companions, our website outlines our services, products and evaluation and support options.  Everything is designed to easily and successfully improve your pet’s health and overall well being. PWRC services include nutritional education, comprehensive health and behavior evaluations and individually tailored wellness programs, aimed at achieving your pet’s optimal health and happiness.

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