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Secrets of Happily Ever After with Monica Tanner10-26-23 Creating Vulnerability and Connection through Emotional Safety with Jill Freestone

You know those moments when your heart is pulsing, your palms are sweaty, and your thoughts are racing a hundred miles a minute? That’s emotion at its rawest and most powerful, and today, we’re turning the tables on how we view these intense feelings. Instead of seeing them as destructive forces, we’re chatting with life coach Jill Freestone about how to harness these big emotions to strengthen family bonds and deepen our relationships.

Jill helps us explore the concept of emotional safety in our relationships – that crucial foundation that enables true vulnerability and connection. She shares a poignant family example, shedding light on how unchecked emotions can lead to a disconnect. We talk about strategies for establishing emotional safety, from learning to communicate effectively to being fully present for intimate conversations. We also discuss self-regulation, and how managing our own emotional states can create a nurturing environment for connection.

Jill addresses how to teach emotional intelligence to kids and manage big emotions in teenagers. She shares insightful tips on creating safe spaces for children to express their feelings and demonstrates how to effectively self-regulate. We also touch upon the controversial topic of screen time and its impact on emotions and parent-child communication.

Wrapping up, we dive into practical advice from Jill on managing big emotions and their resultant behavior changes. It’s a great episode that’s going to change how you relate to your emotions, making them your allies rather than adversaries.

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