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06-11-21 Cilla Whatcott a Prominent Voice in the World of Homeoprophylaxis, Immune Support, Deep Healing & Transformation

Cilla Whatcott is a prominent voice in the world of homeoprophylaxis and, specifically, how this can be effective immune support and used for deep healing and transformation within homeopathic medicine. With a Ph.D. and a Board Certification in Homeopathy, she eloquently explains this beautiful science.

Cilla has published articles in the likes of Pathways, Homeopathic LINKS, and Organic Lifestyle Magazine. She was the recipient of a 2016 public service award from the Weston A. Price Foundation for her work with homeoprophylaxis and has been a guest lecturer in London, France, Scotland, Ireland, Indonesia, the USA, and Canada. Cilla also organized and directed their international conferences in 2015, 2016, and 2017 about homeoprophylaxis with leading researchers worldwide.

Homeoprophylaxis (HP) is not aimed at treating disease, but instead increases the vitality of the individual, and thus increases innate immunity. In an effort to further explore this safe and natural homeopathic alternative to boosting immunity in defense of contracting illness.

Experienced Founder with a demonstrated history of working in the alternative medicine industry. Skilled in Energy Healing, Nutritional Counseling, Stress Management, Healing, and Homeopathy: I bring a rich and varied background of personal and professional experiences to my healing practice. I’ve lived in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, on the East coast, the West coast and aboard a sailboat in the Bahamas before making Minnesota my current home. My travels to Asia, Russia, Europe, the Caribbean, and Micronesia have instilled in me a deep respect for humankind and an intuitive understanding of human nature.

I have parented three adopted children from Russia, China and Taiwan, as well as one biological son. My own children’s illnesses and developmental stages led me to investigate homeopathy where I saw dramatic improvements with allergies, kidney reflux, ADHD, ear infections and various other illnesses and emotional challenges.

I hold a B.A. degree from Arizona State University, a PhD from Kingdom College of Natural Health and a diploma from the four year professional program at Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy, Minneapolis, MN.

I was a member of the research faculty at The American Medical College of Homeopathy as well as an instructor at Normandale Community College.

I have completed post-graduate studies with Louis Klein, Misha Norland, Rajan Sankaran, Kim Kalina, Isaac Golden, Dinesh Chauhan, Sunil Anand, Joe Rozencwajg, and Spero Latchis.

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