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Chris Edgar helps people follow their true callings in their careers, and find more enjoyment and efficiency in what they do. Once a Stanford-trained corporate lawyer, Chris initially took up spiritual practices like meditation, yoga and qi gong to reduce the stress he experienced in his job. He quickly found some relief-he became able to easily let go of the tensions of his day when he got home and get a good night’s sleep. More importantly, after a few months of this routine, Chris started noticing something else: the way he was experiencing his work was changing. In situations at his job that used to be stressful and anxiety-provoking, he found himself centered and calm. He started getting more done in less time, feeling less distracted, and even finding joy in seemingly mundane tasks.

After several years of keeping up his yoga and meditation practices, he had another realization. In the beginning, he’d thought of his practices as things he could only do at home, on his own time. But in fact, as Chris began to see, there actually were forms of movement, breathing and visualization he could use in real time, as he sat at his desk. With these techniques, he realized, he could instantly reduce his stress, enter a state of effortless attention, and reconnect with his sense of purpose in what he did.

Eventually, Chris recognized he had a gift to offer the world. He could help others find the peace and focus in their work that he’d discovered, and help create a world with less stress and more joy, by teaching people to incorporate spiritual practices into their working lives. With this goal in mind, he completed trainings in coaching and course leading, and left his law firm to become an author, speaker and personal coach.

Show 11-22-09

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