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07-17-16  Choosing Love Discover How to Connect to the Universal Power of Love–and Live a Full, Fearless, and Authentic Life! With Sherianna Boyle

Sherianna is a licensed School Psychologist and presently works as a Adjunct Psychology Professor and Mindset Trainer at The Center for Corporate and Professional Education of Cape Cod Community College.  She is certified in three different energy systems.  Although much of her work is based on Quantum Healing, Sherianna is not a fan of attaching to one system. This is because what works for one person may not be in the best interest of another. Therefore, the system she uses is her ability to receive information from the divine. With that said, Sherianna is a committed student of energy work and continues her professional development as a Quantum healer and student of Energy Medicine.

She has been teaching yoga/meditation for over 14 years four of those years she spent owning and operating a thriving yoga studio which she proudly relinquished before the birth of her third daughter. Sherianna has a private practice with expertise in stress, education, parenting, anxiety, and depression. She is known for her ability to get to the root cause of symptoms. Clients not only report improvement but often discover a way to expand themselves beyond what they expected. Some of her clients are therapists and counselors themselves. She is the author of six books and  has been a contributing writer to over 50 published articles. Her work has  been featured in Psychology Today, Jan/Feb 2015 and Mantra Yoga & Health, May 2015. Her book The Four Gifts of Anxiety has been recognized and shelved by NAMI, 2015 Choosing Love was listed under the top 10 New Year books 2016 with Metro US while The Conscious Parenting Guide for Overcoming Childhood Anxiety found its way in the top 20 books sales in Barnes and Noble 2016.   She holds a Masters in Education and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in School Psychology from The University of Massachusetts, Boston.

Sherianna has been married for 17 years and is proudly raising three daughters. When she is not writing she enjoys going to church, exercising, reading, gardening and taking naps

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