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Childhood: Call Me Worthy06-09-20 Childhood: Call Me Worthy

Dreams and Childhood go together like peanut and butter. How often do we find our childhood fears and traumas relived and remembered as adults?  A dysfunctional family life can have a lasting effect on us throughout life. Dr. Anne Worth says, “Although many relationships are emotionally painful, the people involved are usually not bad people. Hurting people hurt people.” Dr. Ann is here to discuss this and much more like how she helps women who have had abortions and how she is a grandmother but never had a biological child. Dr. Anne Worth says we have all been given gifts and talents necessary to fulfill our godly assignments. God gave Dr. Anne Worth all she needed to write her story of growing up in a very unstable and difficult family. More than anything else, Dr. Anne wants people to know their true Father and how he loves them. Dr. Anne’s story is a message of hope, instead of remaining as she was, hopeless and defeated, she chose to follow her heart and Jesus and was even a new life, a new mind, and a new heart.

Bio: Dr. Anne Worth holds a masters and a doctorate degree in counseling psychology. She has been in private practice for almost 40 years.

Dr. Anne is a speaker and has assisted in Someone Cares Retreats for women who have had abortions, which is part of her own story.  She is a mother, grandmother and great grandmother and that is a story in itself since Anne has never had a biological child.

She has mothered many children…men and women from war-torn Sudan, an orphan from Russia, abused and neglected women-all of them call her Mama or Grand Mom or GG. Dr. Anne Worth Is a Christian counselor, author, speaker, and member of the Highland County Fellowship Church in Dallas, TX. For several years, Dr. Anne has been of service to the homeless population and Sudanese refugees in her community. She also has a very big heart for animals, fostering dogs until they find good homes.

She has designed and facilitates “Discovery” Workshops to help couples and individuals discover their life mission. She helps clean and sober addicts find the next step in giving back through a workshop called “Recovery Discovery.” Recovery is a big part of her own story and she is working on a booklet to help treatment centers assist clients in knowing “what to do next.”

Dr. Anne Worth is the author of Call Me Worthy has contributed to many publications which are listed on her website, along with her blog. You can learn more about Dr. Anne Worth @

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