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01-14-20 Chaos, Life and Love Never Dies

Teresa Velardi “sold her soul for a wedding ring,” Anrita Melchizedek had her young children abducted to another country by her ex-husband, Helen Brennand lost her infant son whose body language told her to “listen to your heart.”  What do these empowering women all have in common? They are in the #1 Amazon Bestseller where they share their stories of moving beyond Chaos to Clarity through Forgiveness, Love, and trust in their Higher Power. Join them as they take you on a true-story-journey you will NEVER forget.


Teresa VelardiTeresa Velardi is an author, speaker, publisher and potter. Committed to making a difference in the lives of others, she uses her gifts to help people get their stories told in books. Gratitude and Giving are tops on Teresa’s list of importance. It is in this spirit that she empowers others to live their best life, authentically. In 1999 having been totally dissatisfied with her own life, Teresa began her journey to her authentic self with a decision to leave an abusive marriage and an unfulfilling position in corporate America. While on her own journey of personal growth and development, this gifted ceramic artist, focused on creating beautiful works of art as a way of connecting back to herself and to God.

Anrita MelchizedekAnrita Melchizedek was born with many of her ESP gifts already activated, and in communication with the Company of Heaven as an empath, channel, and natural healer. As a Soul Reader, Master Healer, and Light Weaver Anrita sees the Light codes of potentiality within energy fields and draws from these Light codes and blueprints when assisting in the healings of others. This allows her to assist others in deepening into their universal gifts and weaving their codes of potentiality into their greatest expression of Self as Flames of Divinity walking this Path of Love. Visit and

Helen BrennandHelen Brennand, author of Belief, is an equine professional based in England, an accomplished rider, trainer, holistic therapist and has a passion for horse welfare and respects them as sentient beings. Her beloved horses nurtured her through a period of immense sorrow culminating in a beautiful and unexpected spiritual awakening. Complimenting her writing, Helen’s time is now dedicated to her horse sanctuary The Haven founded to ensure a lasting and safe place where a horse’s inner wisdom is free to be released and allowed to shine.

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