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The Magic of Inclusion

01-19-23 The Magic of Inclusion We all have inherited the kind of mind that tries to get rid of the uncomfortable and get to what it considers the good stuff, feeling this will bring us the healing we long for. Has that ever brought you lasting peace? If you are...

Meditation Simplified

01-05-23 Meditation Simplified We got sold a bill of goods when we were young – that we need to be better or different than what we are to know peace and joy. Join Mary in discovering the magic of relating to what you are experiencing rather than from it so that...

The Power of Attention

12-08-22 The Power of Attention One of the most powerful skills we have in healing the unhealed inside of us is the phenomenal power of our own focused attention. Join Mary in exploring how to wake up your ability to see and be with what is so that the struggling...

Our Addiction to Struggle

11-24-22 Our Addiction to Struggle If you could watch your mind on a movie screen, you would see that it struggles a lot with everything! Join Mary in the first part of our journey into discovering how to use your mind for the wonderful tool it is instead of being...
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