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05-23-18  Using Relationships for Awakening (Part 2)

Enjoy the second part of this profound session with David Hoffmeister – which was part of the “Awakening from the Dream” Online Retreat on the theme of “Using Relationships for Awakening”.  If you missed Part 1, go to Previous Episodes.

David continues to expand on the Holy Spirit’s purpose for relationships versus the ego’s. If we are afraid and put up boundaries between ourselves and others we limit the Spirit’s purpose of flushing up and exposing all the ego’s issues for healing.

“Holy Spirit, may I make no decisions by myself today!” Jesus says in A Course in Miracles: “You have no contribution to make in this awakening”. The Holy Spirit is doing it all! Resign now as your own teacher! David shares his own experience: “whenever I got stressed – I would be reminded my contribution was zero percent”.

When we offer a gift of love and healing know that it is given and accepted – for the Holy Spirit in you has given it, and the Holy Spirit in the other has accepted it. If we doubt a healing we must come back to Holy Spirit and say:  it is my mistake, my continuing worry and doubt, my own mistrust.

Spirit loves us so much – even when we feel like things are falling apart the angels are saying:  Halleujah!  He’s coming home.

Recorded at La Quinta del Sol, Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico on the 7th of April, 2018.

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