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06-29-23 Casey Secor, CEO, Senior Staff Attorney for Suzerain Capital Defense

“Every person is more than the worst thing they have done.

They are: Sons. Daughters. Fathers. Mothers. Brothers. Sisters. Uncles. Aunts.”

What’s the connection between Choose Love and capital defense? EVERYTHING. Individuals that don’t receive ‘nurturing healing love’ or learn essential life skills to manage their emotional pain can end up on death row. This is where the story of Choose Love and Suzerain begins. Scarlett Lewis’ special guest is Casey Secor, CEO, Senior Staff Attorney for Suzerain Capital Defense.

Scarlett met Casey while he was working on the Parkland Shooting trial last year. This tragedy occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida where 19 year old Nikolas Cruz, an expelled former student, came back to the school and killed 17 people and injured 17 others on February 14, 2018. Scarlett and Casey hope that working together they can create a new framework that can be used to change how we interact with one another, better recognize how others are struggling, reduce mass violence, and increase love and understanding.

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