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Tell A New Story Carrie Rowan05-04-21 Welcome Back Carrie Rowan award-winning Singer/Songwriter, Author, Certified Coach and Founder of the STORY method

Why do we keep telling ourselves the same negative stories and expecting our life to yield different results? The stories we tell ourselves and others hold us back and keep us stuck on repeat.

Are you ready to own your power, live joyfully, and passionately manifest your dreams? Let’s tell that story!

CARRIE ROWAN is an award-winning singer/songwriter and author. She is a certified coach and founder of the STORY method. Rowan is also a teacher and speaker uniquely combining the power of provocative storytelling with live music. Rowan spent a decade working for Fortune 500 companies before jumping off the corporate ladder to pursue her creative endeavors and inspire others to follow their passions. She is a published writer in Spirit of Change Magazine and has been a featured artist for Baystate Parent magazine, New England Cable News Coffeehouse Series, and the Natural Living Expo.

Tell A New Story offers an easy-to-follow five-step approach using the S-T-O-R-Y acronym to help uncover your patterns and transform the way you think and talk about yourself.

Rowan weaves a tapestry of powerful emotions through personal storytelling. She expounds on struggles that teach lessons on how to dissolve the habits that hold you back from living your dream life.

Rowan will help you recognize the patterns that are keeping you stuck in the same old story, and instead, guide you to rewrite a new and empowering version of yourself that you love.

Tell a New Story includes:
✓Enlightening exercises to illuminate the stories that keep you stuck
✓Guided Meditation audios to declutter your mind and return you to your true power
✓Enchanting original songs enliven the emotional energy of Rowan’s personal journey to healing

By the end of the book, you will have clear action steps, guidance, and inspiration to discover your TRUE self and finally live the life that you desire and dream. For more information please visit

Call In and Chat with Deborah during Live Show: 833-220-1200 or 319-527-2638

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