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Show 01-22-09  Brian Schrokosch is the host of Radiate Love Radio, which airs twice a week Brian interviews some of the most accomplished authors, lecturers and inspirational speakers on his shows. He also brings his own unique loving and compassionate demeanor to all of his shows. Brian is a powerfully new and exciting voice in the fields of self-development, personal growth and spirituality. The intention that Brian carries with him to each of his shows is to help his listeners become more aware of the underlying reasons as to why we, as individuals, experience difficulties, is our lives. Brian says that, “when we find the root of all of our problems, which are our core negative and limiting beliefs, we can then begin to let them go and replace them with new, more exciting and expansive ones. Until this change occurs within us, change in our lives is virtually impossible.” Brian states that, “Once we accomplish this essential change within ourselves, everything in our lives will seem to flow without effort, as our new, more positive and loving beliefs begin to transforms our lives in to what can only be described as, “the life of our dreams.” When this change occurs within us, we are then given the gift of a life filled with peace, love and joy; We then begin to radiate, without effort, this love, into the world no matter which activities we partake in.

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