Books We Adore for Kids
Imagine A World: Full of Wonder, authors Heather Lean, Leigha Huggins
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Bubble Bee: A Special Story and Meditation for Crisis Support, author Diane Vich
Bubble Bee was a very happy bee but one day everything changed. He was starting to worry about his friends and his body was not feeling great. His tummy was hurting and he was getting really tired. He felt more exhausted as the day passed. His mom knew when she saw...
You Are a Powerful Creator, My Little One: Creating Happiness, Author Monica Iglesias
Francesco is a typical child, until one day he learns that he has an amazing power . . . the power to create happiness. Find out where happiness starts and how Francesco chooses to create it in his own life in this story based on actual events. Purchase Creating...
The Angel Heart, Author Wendy Fachon
Why would God design a heart-shaped flower that cries? A curious child picks such a flower and carefully pulls it apart, one poetic petal at a time, to reveal the secret wisdom of God’s healing magic and free prescriptions for heart, mind, and soul. The enchanting...
Mike’s Big Space Adventure, author Reese Arnold
Mike’s Big Space Adventure is about Mike, a young boy who loves astronomy. One night, he has a dream he becomes a shooting star and travels through different galaxies in space, meeting new friends – and getting into some scary situations – but having a wonderful...
I AM Enough! (Journey of Joy Children’s Book Series) (Volume 1) authors Dagny Grant and Beth Donnelly
“I AM Enough!” is the first book in the Journey of Joy series. The series delves into issues of self-esteem, integrity and authentic happiness in a fun and experiential way. Through the eyes of a seven year old girl named Joy, we meet new and unexpected friends along...
The Fun of Meeting Jesus, Author Roberta Grimes
The Fun of Meeting Jesus is a beautifully illustrated read-aloud book that contains the key Gospel teachings of Jesus without a Christian overlay. These simple and intuitive teachings can be helpful even for people who have a different faith tradition or no faith...
The Jester Has Lost His Jingle, Author David Saltzman
In this charming tale, The Jester awakes one morning to find laughter missing in his kingdom and he and his helpmate, Pharley, set off on a quest to find it. They ultimately discover that not only can laughter redeem a weary world, it also can provide the best tonic...
Wherever You Are: My Love Will Find You, author Nancy Tillman
I wanted you more than you’ll ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go. . . . Love is the greatest gift we have to give our children. It’s the one thing they can carry with them each and every day. If love could take shape it might look something like these...
I AM Brave! (Journey of Joy) (Volume 4) authors Beth Donnelly and Dagny Grant
“I AM Brave!” is the fourth book in the Journey of Joy series. The series delves into issues of self-esteem, integrity and authentic happiness in a fun and experiential way. Through the eyes of a seven year old girl named Joy, we meet new and unexpected friends along...
You Are A Powerful Creator My Little One: Creating Light, Author Monica Iglesias
CREATING LIGHT is a story based on Actual Events. Beyza, an 8 year old girl, is afraid of the dark and can’t sleep thinking of all the scary things lurking in the shadows. Her loving mother guides her through her fear by empowering her to turn on the Light within her...
Creating Peace (You Are A Powerful Creator My Little One), Author Monica Iglesias
CREATING PEACE is an empowering story based on actual events. A loving mother guides her 7 year old boy, André, to discover what peace feels like in his heart so that he can assist with creating Peace in the home with his family. Through a series of quality questions,...
Toulouse’s Tale: A Cat’s True Story Author Cheryl Johnson
[plulz_social_like width="350" send="false" font="arial" action="like" layout="standard" faces="false" ] Toulouse was a lost and forgotten cat out in the world when he was brought to an animal refuge. He was given a quick test there for feline leukemia and it came up...
Toulouse Loose in Paris Author Marie Cargill
Toulouse the cat is a world traveler. He hops on a jet to explore his ancestors' birthplace in France and finds out that art is his new interest. He discovers that the beautiful city of Paris is full of surprises, and his life moves in a new direction. Purchase...
Twig’s Moon Author Dana Roffler
Twig's Moon is a tender story of loss, celebrating the love between humans and their furry best friends. It's told in poetic verses, with masterfully drawn illustrations, weaving its spiritual appeal. Purchase Twig's Moon on Amazon
Firefly Ball Author Dana Roffler
The Firefly Ball is a great story of a magical summer night the starts with an invitation from the fireflies. A great story for children and adults. Purchase Firefly Ball on Amazon
Journey of Joy Children’s Book Series, Authors Dagny Grant & Beth Donnelly
I AM Enough” is the first book in the Journey of Joy series. The series delves into issues of self- esteem, integrity and authentic happiness in a fun and experiential way. Through the eyes of a seven-year old girl named Joy, we meet new and unexpected friends along...
A Spirited Alphabet, Author Morgan Simone Daleo
Sweetness and light abound in this charming children's book by the Parents' Choice award-winning author-illustrator team. Children learn the alphabet through references to Spirit and positive attitudes instead of consumption-inducing materiality. Instead of the more...
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