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1453403_10201978695500548_1668917761_nfeatured-writer-seal1Between The Lines, A Collection Of Poems by Author Janine Ouellete Sullivan~A collection of poems with unique insight into life experience

I was on the edge of something new
Something I could have only dreamed of and I had

Never a word spoken to anyone
This was mine and mine alone
Privy only to God and my soul
Barely revealed to me until this moment

There on the water’s edge
Tide rising
I was ready

A symphony of rippling water
A warm late autumn breeze
Leaves of poplar, birch and elm
Sprinkle from the limbs
At the request of the southerly gust

It was time

Half naked trees reaching to the heavens
I with them

Exposing my soul

Never has the emergence of bliss been so steady

I was on the edge
Edgy and bold
So I did it – finally

Even the noon hour honored this time in silence
Not a leaf moved
Nothing moved
Not bird or chipmunk
Clouds stood still
As did time

There, there it was all along

Daring to see its richness
Moving closer
and closer

On the edge
Exposed; So much so that fear itself ran away
Leaving so suddenly it jolted me off balance

Recovering, managing my stand
I was on the edge of something new
Something I could have only dreamed of and I had.

Deb-Janine SullivanWhat Compelled Janine to Write a Book of Poems?

When I was twelve I began to write poetry.  I used a notebook to hold my thoughts. Hiding the poetry between my mattresses seemed to be the best place to protect my hidden voice.  Now in my mid fifties I decided to release my unique point of view and give others the opportunity to read my perspective on life.  The action of creating a book of poetry gave me a voice such that I’ve never known before. As is often the case in giving to others I gave to myself. That is how life works. It is now my joy to share my writing with the world.  

Janine Ouellette is a freelance writer and poet.  When Janine is not writing she is a resource agent a position, which involves advocacy and assisting people, achieve goals. She uses her talent connecting people to lift dreams and desires to a successful outcome. Drawing on 30 years of experience in social service Janine has gathered tools and resources developing a unique approach to connect individuals and communities.
One of the highlights of her career was producing a life enhancing lecture series for women. Educated in the field of child psychology, Janine has nurtured the ability to see under the veil into the heart of a person making her current work as a caregiver very rewarding. 
She believes we all can lift up our portion of the world one person at a time through one action at a time. Facebook  Janine’s Peace Haven”


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