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Look for the Good Carrie Rowan03-06-23 “Beshert” a Yiddish word that means Destiny with Judy Ben-Asher

This week on Look for the Good, I have on special guest Judy Ben-Asher and we are exploring the concept of “beshert”, a Yiddish word that means destiny, in other words something is meant to be.  I talk about how sometimes those moments in life that knock us to our knees can be the very ones we look back on and feel grateful for.  However, when we are in the middle of our worst story, we don’t necessarily think this way, but when we have time to step back and look at the big picture of what that moment caused us to become, we can see that those can be huge moments of transformation. I like to call them our Turnaround Story because it is usually our messiest story that ends up being the one that changes our life for the better.

Tune in to hear Judy’s unbelievable story and her total body “hell yes” on this thought provoking episode when Judy explains what it means to be a DNA Identity Integration Expert and how her own messy story sparked a desire to help others who find themselves in the same situation she unwittingly did.

Judy Ben-Asher Bio:

Founder of TruthSeekerWellness, DNA Identity Integration Experts and Master Manifestation and Transformational Coach. Judy is certified in Integrative Nutrition, NLP, 5-Element Theory, and Feng Shui. She also spent 25 years in film and television as an actor, voice over artist, director and writer producer.

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