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11-16-21 Flat Tire Miracles with Bernie Siegel MD

Do you believe in miracles? Kat Kanavos interviews Dr. Bernie Siegel, who believes Flat Tires can be a miracle that saves lives, as he explains in Mayhem to Miracles: Transformational Stories of Hope….

Bernie says, “Yes!” Flat Tire Miracles are Real! And Bernie’s story in the book Mayhem to Miracles: Sacred Stories of Transformational Hope proves it. Grab your box of tissues and join us as we cry, cringe, and laugh our way through the real-life stories of everyday miracles. Hope is the shining beacon that can change the course of illness, the future, love, and our lives. Miracles go hand-in-hand with hope. Experience modern-day miracles as inspiring individuals move through the mayhem of physical challenges, abusive relationships, addictions, lost and found love, and more, into their Miracle. What’s in your miracle?

Guest Bio:

Bernie Siegel, MD, has touched many lives all over our planet. In 1978, he began talking about patient empowerment and the choice to live fully and die in peace. As a physician/surgeon whose own mortality was threatened by illness, Bernie embraces a philosophy of living and dying that stands at the forefront of the medical ethics and spiritual issues with which our society grapples today.  

Story Title: Spiritual Flat Tires: Miracles of Life- Life’s flat tires can be a life-saving miracle rather than a curse.

Quote: When I have the opportunity to choose from what is placed before me; life and death, good and evil meaning arises. The meaning my life takes on relates to choosing life and who or what I see as my Lord. ~ Dr. Bernie Siegel

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