11:11 Talk Radio Archives with Simran Singh
The Chiron Effect: Lisa Tahir
02-19-21 The Chiron Effect: Lisa Tahir In our astrological natal chart, also called our birth chart, the location of Chiron reveals core wounds, which block our capacity to have self-empathy and to forgive. Lack of empathy and compassion for ourselves and others...
ALCHEMY: Stones of the New Consciousness
02-12-21 ALCHEMY: Stones of the New Consciousness The alchemists believed that consciousness is within everything—that the world is aware and alive, and that the stones are alive in the same way. They even called the great goal of their work the Philosophers’ Stone!...
Without Reservation: Randy Kritkausky
02-05-21 Without Reservation: Randy Kritkausky We are but a few generations removed from millennia spent living in intimate contact with the natural world and in close commune with ancestral spirits. Who we are and who we think we are is rooted in historical...
A Mother’s Evolution During Her Child’s Gender Change: Paria Hassouri
01-29-21 A Mother’s Evolution During Her Child’s Gender Change: Paria Hassouri On Thanksgiving morning, Paria Hassouri finds herself furiously praying and negotiating with the universe as she irons a dress her fourteen-year-old, designated male at birth, has secretly...
Don’t Stop in Front of the Finish Line: Bridgit Dengel Gaspard
01-22-21 Don't Stop in Front of the Finish Line: Bridgit Dengel Gaspard Bridgit Dengel Gaspard coined the term “the final eighth” to describe a phenomenon she experienced herself and observed in others: talented, energetic, motivated people accomplish many steps...
The Authority Guide to Emotional Resilience and Business Behavior: Robin Hills
01-15-21 The Authority Guide to Emotional Resilience and Business Behavior: Robin Hills What if you had strategies to manage stress and weather storms in the workplace? What if you could inspire others and build successful relationships among those in your teams?...
The Mindful Millionaire: Leisa Peterson
01-08-21 The Mindful Millionaire: Leisa Peterson In the world of personal finance, the biggest challenge is the sense that there’s never going to be enough. It is this mindset of scarcity, and not the amount spent on lattes, that holds people back the most from...
Good Works: Dennis Pitocco
01-01-21 Good Works: Dennis Pitocco LET'S CREATE RIPPLES OF CHANGE "FOR GOOD" It’s time for a renaissance of pure, unbridled wonder. It’s time to renew in both our hearts and in our souls more joy, more kindness, more compassion, more understanding. And that magical...
Power of Daily Practice: Eric Maisel
12-25-20 Power of Daily Practice: Eric Maisel Eric Maisel knows from experience and observation that the single most crucial element of success for any endeavor is a regular, daily practice. Dr. Maisel, a preeminent creativity coach, therapist, and acclaimed author,...
Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind: James Jensen
12-18-20 Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind: James Jensen Your Subconscious is Your Power We talk to ourselves all day long at the rate of 150-300 words per minute, or up to 50,000 thoughts per day. These thoughts condition the subconscious mind and become...
Three Men, Six Lives: Bernie Siegel, MD
12-11-20 Three Men, Six Lives: Bernie Siegel, MD Dr. Bernie Siegel broke new ground with his monumental book Love, Medicine and Miracles. Today Bernie continues to impart wisdom about the true nature of life and love in his entertaining and enlightening debut fiction...
Brave Leadership: Kimberly Davis
12-04-20 Brave Leadership: Kimberly Davis People want to give their best. But in a business world that’s so competitive and uncertain, how do you connect with others more authentically to tap into their elusive want? Brave Leadership is the essential guide for leaders...
The Purple Papers: Roland Comtois
11-27-20 The Purple Papers: Roland Comtois SIGNS OF SPIRIT The Purple Papers and the Stories Behind Them When a powerful spiritual presence directed Roland Comtois to write down the messages he receives from the other side, Roland decided to do just that … and the...
Cleansing Rites: Erika Buenaflor
11-20-20 Cleansing Rites: Erika Buenaflor Do you regularly cleanse and clear your space, your energy, and your body? Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo: Limpias Espirituales of Ancient Mesoamerican Shamans explores the essential tools and processes used by ancient...
Fresh Eyes Upon the World: Neal Grace
11-13-20 Fresh Eyes Upon the World: Neal Grace The conversation with Neal Grace will offer important questions and answers relevant to almost all of us. You have a purpose between your birth and your death. The world needs your contribution no matter how small or how...
Boho Beautiful Life: Juliana Spicoluk and Mark Spicoluk
11-06-20 Beautiful Life: Juliana Spicoluk and Mark Spicoluk Boho Beautiful is a travel, yoga and lifestyle brand founded by Juliana Spicoluk and Mark Spicoluk creating positive content for the body, mind and earth. With content centered around yoga, travel, fitness,...
The Technology of Intention: Kim Stanwood Terranova
10-30-20 The Technology of Intention: Kim Stanwood Terranova We are a technological society, no doubt about it. Our devices keep us informed while isolating us from each other and from ourselves, our true selves. There is, however, another technology, an inner...
Unlocking Creativity: Firdaus Kharas
10-23-20 Unlocking Creativity: Firdaus Kharas OPEN YOUR MIND Using ideas, images and examples that have changed the way the world thinks, this book gives you straight-forward advice on how to open your mind to become a creative thinker. You’ll learn in clear and...
Reconnecting with Your Estranged Adult Child: Tina Gilbertson
10-16-20 Reconnecting with Your Estranged Adult Child: Tina Gilbertson When your adult child won’t talk to you (or your spouse), it’s heart-breaking. You feel sad whenever you think about it, which is often. You wonder what you did to deserve this, if anything. Maybe...
Expanding Human Potential & Performance: Judy Ryan
10-09-20 Expanding Human Potential & Performance: Judy Ryan Expanding Human Potential... How do we do it? Change is happening at the speed of imagination. Globalization, digital transformation and new technologies require agile human behavior. When people do not...
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