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10-19-13 MADE IN THE IMAGE! Be the Joyous Success you were always meant to be.(Accessing your Divine Patterns of Wholeness, Peace, Power, and Perfection within!)

In a special 3-Part Series (airing Sept. 21, Oct. 19, & Nov. 16, 2013) Reverend Dr. Linda De Coff speaks to us on how to forever heal every issue of the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual planes by aligning with the Highest and the Best in you.

In Part II- Dr. Linda will reveal ultimate spiritual tools for “Divine Healing of Body” (Physical and Body of External Conditions, i.e. business, personal, relationship and financial worlds.)Learn the exquisite symphony of God that body represents and rejoice in tuning in to the limitless perfection and power to heal within you! Discover how to lift your outer circumstances to Highest Levels of radiant fruition, peace, harmony, wholeness and Love. Rejoice in the mystical secret of “As within, so without!”

Dr. Linda is also the noted founder of New Thought International, Inc. and New Thought Institute of New York (An Association of Global Centers for World Peace and Enlightenment. She has also starred in numerous Broadway, Film and TV shows to rave reviews. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover the Highest Patterns of Being and Manifesting, and to be the victory of the “Divine You!”
Visit Dr. Linda’s websites at

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