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Starving Your Fears author Joyce Logan, Ph.DHow does one starve their fears away? That’s exactly what you’ll learn in this powerful, easy-read due to the author’s ability to get to the heart of your fears and help you to melt them away by not feeding them! “I’ve been your human “Guinea pig” and know what works. The methods I’ll share with you will save you years of research and money!” Joyce E. Logan, Ph.D. The author suffered with severe panic attacks and agoraphobia for many years and is living proof that anyone can choke off the lifeline of fearful, negative thoughts and words that will not only bring immediate relief, but lifelong joy and peace. This book is written on a level few can write about because she lived it! For the reader, Joyce Logan is your human “Guinea Pig” who has been through it all, and able to provide you with a common sense approach to a quick recovery. Starving Your Fears simply explains how you can literally “starve” fears away and provides you with the “tools” you’ll need to carry with you all of your life. Filled with inspirational quotes and stories from those who sought her help, this book will change your life!

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