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11-29-18  Understanding the differences between Sexual Harassment, Assault, Abuse and Rape with Wisdom Leaders Devrah Laval & Deborah Beauvais Part 2

Our conversation today on sexual abuse comes from a place of Oneness and heart centered thinking with the intention to elevate women. 

In light of Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony, many young women are questioning the differences and layers of sexual abuse both in the work place and everyday life. Author and International radio host Devrah Laval joins Deborah Beauvais for an open conversation about their personal experiences and how it can affect one’s self-esteem, worthiness and value.

We discuss:

  • How we as women question ourselves when experiencing unacceptable behavior.
  • Tuning into our intuition when uncomfortable in a situation.
  • Assaults: Mental or Emotional?
  • Why abused women don’t come forward.
  • The treatment of women worldwide

Devrah Laval: My life began as a dancer, model and aerobics pioneer, but my spirit and Soul had other ideas. At the age of 29, I had an enlightenment experience, which was soon followed by a miraculous healing. These two events put me on a completely different course that led me to devoting my life, energy and resources to deepening and integrating these and numerous other such experiences and ultimately to leading my life as one of service to anyone who is disillusioned, fed up, feeling lost and living their lives aimlessly pursuing temporary satisfaction from material or worldly things. Lean more about Devrah on her Radio Page

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