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08-21-24 Toxic Beauty Unmasked

Are your personal care products putting your health at risk? Tune in to our special broadcast, “Toxic Beauty Unmasked,” where Lola Boyers and biochemist Phil George delve into the hidden dangers lurking in everyday beauty and personal care items. What’s the Problem? The average person uses a dozen beauty products daily, from cleansers and conditioners to fragrances and makeup. But take a closer look at those labels, and you’ll find a cocktail of chemical components. The scary truth? No one is rigorously checking whether these chemicals are safe for long-term use. The Science Behind It • Hair Dye and Breast Cancer: Recent studies have linked permanent hair dye to an increased risk of breast cancer. African American women, in particular, face a 45% higher risk. • Endocrine Disruptors: Many personal care products contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals like phthalates, parabens, and PFAS. These sneaky compounds can mess with your hormones, brain, and reproductive system. • The Dirty Dozen: Researchers have identified over 5,000 chemicals in hair care products alone, some with cancer-causing effects. • Stay tuned for “Toxic Beauty Unmasked” and discover how to protect yourself and your loved ones from hidden dangers. Sources:

  1. Harvard Health
  2. NIH News in Health
  3. David Suzuki Foundation123

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