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04-29-19 Three Pillars to Health

This is going to be a show to remember as Dr. Judy and her husband Hue get back together one last time for the final Naturally Healthy Pets Radio Show on  Since the show debuted in May 2017, Dr. Judy’s guests included experts in holistic medicine and food therapies as well as alternative modalities utilizing herbs, supplements, essential oils and flower essences.  In addition to both physical therapies and metaphysical experiences, we also heard from life coaches for humans and pets alike. Featuring adventurers in filming, relevant documentaries and music to sooth the animal soul, Dr. Judy has touched so many of you with the sole intent of helping you and your pets find a path to naturally healthy and happy lives.  The focus of their discussion for this show will be on the three pillars of health: a species appropriate diet, limiting vaccines and avoiding chemicals wherever possible. Dr. Judy and Hue would like to thank everyone for listening, learning, and supporting this platform for the past two years.  For more great discussions, be sure to follow them on Judy Morgan DVM on Facebook and YouTube.

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