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Motherhood is not easy. It’s one of the hardest jobs in the world. Yet mothers receive so little support, even in spiritual communities where motherhood is often more valued.

  • What if you could always feel capable of handling the rigors and demands of being a mother in today’s world?
  • What if you could let go of feeling like you’re alone and don’t have support?
  • What if you could let go of your fears that you’re going to get it all wrong, make a mistake, or raise your child that repeats all the “mistakes” that you’ve experienced?

Are you ready to join a movement of powerful, wise, and present mothers who bring their highest selves to their children?  If so, it’s time for you to connect with the Conscious Mothering Movement!

Mothering is one of the hardest jobs there is. Society expects so much from mothers, often doesn’t provide a lot of support. And while the emotional highs are high—being a mother is one of the greatest experiences you can have, the emotional lows can be devastating—you can see your children suffer, have them taken away, or lose them. Yet we often don’t allow space for mothers to face that the anxiety that comes with raising children, or the grief that comes with caring for them as they face their own challenges in life.

Mothers play a critical role in creating the next generation of awakened children. For many of us, we did not wake up to the truth of spirit, creativity, divinity, love, and worthiness until late in life. We had to work through deep wells of pain to connect with the part of us—our soul, our spirit, our light—that remains whole and unblemished.

What if you could bring that knowledge to your mothering now? This does not mean your children won’t have their own struggles or pain to face. It does not mean that they won’t have to work on their egos to connect with their souls. But you can be conscious of the path and guide them to feel worthy and seen now so that their path to awakening is not nearly as difficult.

You also play a critical role in expanding the support for and appreciation of what it means to be a mother. There’s no single mold for what makes a present, loving mother. Mothers come in many forms. But mothers also need to be healed. Our patriarchal society has created very rigid and limited ways of being a mother and has inflicted a great deal of trauma on mothers. That trauma is passed from one generation to the next. The Conscious Mothering Movement wants to break that cycle by creating a new generation of mothers who have healed their pain, distrust, and limiting beliefs carried down through their lineage, to recover instead the wisdom and intuition that has been repressed.

If you feel ready to step into an empowered and compassionate mothering role, free from the ways that you were taught were the only proper ways to be a mother, the Conscious Mothering Movement is for you.


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