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simran-dennis-merrit-jones11-21-16   The Art if Uncertainty: Dennis Merritt Jones

The Art of Uncertainty is about learning to use our time spent in this Earth School wisely. Regardless of your level of education, the school of life itself is always in session. As we make living in the mystery a daily practice, we prepare ourselves for the adventure regardless of whether we are pushed onto the pathway of uncertainty by inspiration or desperation, or by pleasure or pain. In either case, we shall discover it is a journey we can learn to love. With its ‘Points to Ponder’ and ‘Mindfulness Practices’ at the end of each chapter, you can consider The Art of Uncertainty the perfect guidebook on how to step into the mystery of life and love it.

In addition to his books, Dennis is a columnist for the Huffington Post and for Science of Mind magazine. He is also a member of the Leadership Council for the Association for Global New Thought (AGNT), an organization whose mission is to consciously bring forth the evolving human and an awakened world through the practice of universal spiritual principles and the energy of unconditional love.

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