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Sam Yau06-23-22 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Sam Yau author of Soul’s Journey a beautiful collection of poetry that share the essence of spiritual and physical life as a way to evolve heal and find happiness by knowing the” truth of life” as this knowledge offers possibilities for completeness and love. The book us beautifully illustrated by Olena Zarakevich with color and intensity that restores working through the chakra energy system for healing and well being as well as Sam’s words which remind us of the true nature of eternal life. Sam wrote “In 2016, my son Ryan killed himself with a bullet through his brain. The moment I heard the news I knew my life was changed forever. To grieve, I retreated into seclusion. All my interests at that time dropped away. For more than 20 years, I had been on a journey of personal and spiritual growth. I always knew that I am a spirit. With Ryan’s death, and my desire to be close to him, simply knowing that I am a soul was no longer enough. One day, a question was stuck in my mind that would not go away. What if I live as a soul in the human clothes, rather than as a human who has a soul. That pondering set in motion a startling inversion of priority. Asking my soul that question with persistence and commitment catapulted me into a surprising journey that I could not have imagined just a few years ago. I received clear messages from Ryan and uncanny sources to write poems. I had never written a serious poem in my life. But my soul’s whisper was unceasing. With a series of synchronicities and chance encounters, new friends became the angels in my poetry journey. The calling was unmistakable. I surrendered.”

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