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Craig Kolavo10-16-19 Revealing the Divine Within Us All

Discover – Surrender- – Inspire. These are the three steps that Craig Kolavo, a business man and seeker turned author and motivator talks about in his book, I am God In disguise, So are You. What started out as writing down his experiences as a way to inspire his kids, quickly became a full-fledged book that thrust Craig into the spotlight, where he shares his mission of simplifying and demystifying spiritual concepts that will benefit us all.

I am God In disguise, So are You by Craig KolavoCraig likes his book to a roadmap that we can follow that will awaken the sleeping giant within and allow us more easily to step into and express our divine nature. And most importantly, what’s in it for us when we do? Well, surrendering to the divine has benefits to our health, our personal life and to our professional life as well.

When we are able to reconnect with nature, to remember that we are all spirits who are here on a human journey of experience after experience, we are able to filter the important from the non-important and to ground into our divine no matter what is going on around us.

I Am God in Disguise is a call to action to rediscover our spiritual nature, and to wilful our collective purpose as human beings, in Discovering our Divine Nature, Surrendering to this power within, and Inspiring others on this journey.

Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Listeners receive Lora’s downloadable meditation, Finding Your Passion & Purpose, which is specifically designed to target the subconscious portion of the brain, to create fast, effective and fun changes, FREE, simply for being listeners! Click Here to Download.

Remember, Dreamvisions 7 Listeners receive a complimentary 30 minute Life Choreography session with Lora Cheadle to find out how they can utilize the five steps of FLAUNT! to Build their Dreams and Live their Sparkle! Could you be ready to live your best life today? Calls take place via Zoom and can be scheduled here: Grab your Dreamvisions7 discount today! or 303-994-4945

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