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09-25-17  Rescue for Rescuers!

This week, Dr. Judy Morgan welcomes a very special guest; Dr. Kimberly Johnson, LMHC from Long Branch, NY.  Dr. Johnson has been a provider and educator of clinical mental health counseling for more than 20 years. While she has extensive experience in crisis counseling & psychological first aid and the treatment of severe mental illness, she is better known in the animal care community for Rescuer Therapy, the program she founded for the treatment of “compassion fatigue”.  This occurs when people who help people or animals in distress are often so preoccupied with the suffering of those being helped that it becomes traumatic for them.  As the proud parent of five rescued pups and a member of various national and local animal responder groups, Dr. Johnson has long been a great admirer of those committed to fighting for the well-being of animals; those who rescue, shelter, foster, advocate, and care.  Her program, Rescuer Therapy, continues as a free time limited clinical service to those working in many roles within the animal care community. This is going to be a fascinating show, whether or not you are engaged in rescue services, so be sure to tune in as Dr. Johnson shares her experiences with Dr. Morgan.

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