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Dr. Eric Pearl02-08-24 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Special Part 2 Dr. Eric Pearl was a successful Chiropractor in Los Angeles when he began to witness miraculous healings for many of his patients. Since becoming aware of the new frequencies of healing of the Reconnective Healing process, he has devoted himself to impart the light and information of this higher Universal Energy which may transcend physical technique, and can be accessed by health care professionals to improve their normal methods. This process introduced by Dr. Pearl is a means to facilitate greater healing for mind, body and spirit. After discovering this form of healing for himself, he became aware that he was able to help others connect to this frequency, and then utilize this dynamic healing energy. Dr. Pearl has appeared on numerous television and radio shows including Leeza, Sally Jessica Raphael, The Other Side, Extra, Art Bell, America’s Health Network, FOX TV, and countless programs worldwide. He has spoken by invitation at the United Nations, has presented to a full house at Madison Square Garden, and his seminars have been featured in various publications, including The New York Times. Dr. Pearl has elicited great interest from top doctors and medical researchers at hospitals, colleges and universities worldwide. Dr. Pearl projects his tireless energy and enthusiasm in an effort to assist in creating a spontaneous generation of healers worldwide. To date he has taught over 60,000 people in over 60 countries.

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