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Money Isn’t Scary Archives with Meghan Dwyer

Bulk Buying with Intention

06-29-21 Bulk Buying with Intention In today's episode, I break down buying items in bulk - what is really involved when we shop at wholesale clubs and the why behind our desire to get more for less. Ultimately, I talk about intention and how we can learn more about...

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Lifestyle Creep

06-15-21 Lifestyle Creep Today I talk about lifestyle creep - what it is and how it shows up in our lives. I talk about ways to manage it when it shows up in our lives and how to, instead, live and spend more with intention, focusing on what really makes us happy....

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Managing Financial Stress

06-01-21 Managing Financial Stress We all experience stress when it comes to money, in some capacity. Its how we choose to handle that stress that can actually heal us, though. Today I dive deeper into the concept of anxiety and provide strategies and tips to help you...

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Knowing Our Worth

05-18-21 Knowing Our Worth As we celebrate Mother's Day, I discuss the topic of worth and how the importance of recognizing it in ourselves. In today's episode I dive into why women just accept the value that society places on us and how we can't move the needle in...

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Keeping Up With the Joneses

05-18-21 Keeping Up With the Joneses Today we dive deeper into the concept of Comparison and the impact that Keeping up with the Joneses has on us today. We talk about the long-term implications and how we can stop caring about those around us and focus on keeping up...

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Our Obsession with Possessions

05-04-21 Our Obsession with Possessions In today's episode, we explore our culture's obsession with material possessions and the impact it has on us when we dig below the surface. I talk about why I have a hard time letting go of certain items and provide practical...

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What Kids Can Teach Us About Money

05-04-21 What Kids Can Teach Us About Money In all the books I've seen about how to teach our kids about money, none of them ever talk about how to handle your big emotions. While kids show emotions in their own ways, adults use coping mechanisms to deal with them,...

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A Conversation with Courtney Podany

04-06-21 A Conversation with Courtney Podany Today, I'm talking with Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Personal Trainer, Courtney Podany. What does nutrition and physical health have to do with money? A lot! Join me as we talk about all about the mindset parallels...

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Instagram Made Me Do It

04-06-21 Instagram Made Me Do It We all spend time scrolling our phones as a way to zone out. Today we talk about how to scroll with intention and the surprising impact scrolling has on our mindsets and finances. Learn more about Meghan here:...

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Why It’s So Hard to Receive

04-06-21 Why It’s So Hard to Receive We're told our whole lives that its better to give than to receive. But if we never actually let ourselves receive, then how can we give from the right place? How does this all factor into our stories and beliefs and how does money...

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03-23-21 "The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet." -Mohadesa Najumi Learn more about Meghan here:

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Being the Breadwinner

03-23-21 Being the Breadwinner Today I share my internal struggle with being the breadwinner in our family and how culture plays a huge role in my story. Learn more about Meghan here:

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Fear of Running Out

03-16-21 Fear of Running Out Today we unpack our fear of running out and explore how prevalent it is in today's culture, even if we're not aware of it. Learn more about Meghan here:

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Exploring FOMO

03-16-21 Exploring FOMO Today we explore our constant Fear of Missing Out and how it affects our relationship with money and our spending habits. Learn more about Meghan here:

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Kids Book of the Month: Imagine A World: Full of Wonder, authors Heather Lean, Leigha Huggins

Host Book Corner: SOUL/Life Balance: A Guide to Igniting & Integrating Spiritual Awakenings, author Sam Kabert

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