Mind Health Matters Archives with Bernie Siegel M.D.
Water, Religion and Health
03-24-12 Topic: Water, Religion and Health
Who Were Your Teachers?
03-10-12 Who Were Your Teachers?
What events made you who you are
02-25-2012 Topic: What events made you who you are and what you believe?
Love is for real
02-11-2012 Topic: Love is for real and scientific, benefits of love to children to those in pain from childbirth to injuries to one's health.
Dreams, Drawings and Animals
01-21-12 Dreams, Drawings and Animals and what they teach us.
Are we running out of time?
01-08-12 Topic: Are we running out of time? What does every woman want? And mottoes to live by; great parenting and how it contributes to good health.
How Bernie defines God
12-31-11 Topic: How Bernie defines God, what has he learned from his experience on the board of directors of heaven about life and it's beginnings and what the plaques above God's desk say?
Bernie shares about his near death experience
12-03-11 Topic: Bernie shares about his near death experience as a child plus a violent past life that helped him in this lifetime.