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Quantum Spirituality with Peter CanovaJoin Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network in welcoming new show “Quantum Spirituality with Peter Canova” Debut Tuesday August 4th 10am & 10pmEastern/7am & 7PM Pacific Live with Video Listen Here  Get our Apps. Listen online, mobile, in cars and through Amazon’s Echo by asking “Alexa play Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.

Quantum Spirituality with Peter Canova



Show Description:

Travel on a sweeping journey with Peter Canova, an international speaker, Gnostic Gospels expert, quantum physics researcher, author, and winner of 25 literary awards as he covers topics like the origin of the world, parallel universes, living in a simulated reality, the meaning of dreams, alternative UFO theories, the nature of consciousness, and many other fascinating topics.

Reality, like in the Matrix, is not what we perceive, but what lies hidden. Quantum Spirituality is about piercing the hidden reality and operation of our universe with the twin bookends of quantum physics and ancient spiritual wisdom. Listeners will acquire a platform of knowledge from both the objective, scientific viewpoint and the subjective, intuitive perspective.  Peter unlocks secrets of the universe progressing from the abstract and the theoretical to the concrete and practical to help you learn and apply powerful ideas to alter your personal reality.

About Peter Canova, winner of 25 Literary Awards

From the time he first experienced phenomena such as telepathy, remote viewing, intuitive medical readings, and psychic healing, Peter Canova has spent much of his life seeking to understand the forces that link humanity together at an unseen level.

Peter’s international business background—luxury hotel development, shipping, and import/exporting—carried him around the world, giving him an insider’s view of international politics, finance, and the mentality of foreign cultures. Athens, Rome, London, the Middle East, Thailand, and Africa were the crucibles that melded business, political, and economic intrigues in Peter’s experience, giving him real-life stories that could make best sellers in and of themselves.

In each of these venues, Peter also met a variety of spiritual figures, all of whom appeared in his life unsolicited and confirmed his conviction that spirit transcends the religious beliefs that tend to divide people.

Peter had an affinity for writing, and in the late 1990’s he acted on this talent winning a First Place Literary Prize for his very first short story at the highly respected Santa Barbara’s Writer’s Conference in California. Shortly thereafter, he took first place out of 500 entries in Francis Ford Coppola’s online Zoetrope magazine for his first publicly circulated short story, The Blood of our Departed.

Peter continued his track record of writing excellence with the publication of Pope Annalisa, which immediately won the Nautilus and Independent Publishers Awards in quick succession followed by the National Best Book Award. The book went on to win a phenomenal total of nine national and international literary awards in less than a year from its publication. In Pope Annalisa, he explores an ancient spiritual tradition which cut across not only Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, but also the so-called pagan mystery schools of ancient days.

Peter has twenty-five years of voluminous research behind him in both mainstream and alternative religious/spiritual studies, with a particular interest in early Christianity.  He is a leading expert on Gnostic and other ancient spiritual traditions. He travels the country as a speaker on such topics as parallels between Gnostic mysticism and quantum physics, the Sacred Feminine, Mary Magdalene and the lost women of the Bible, and the secret teachings of Jesus. His skills helped him break down these complex spiritual themes into simple and entertaining fiction.  Pope Annalisa was a combination of this research and information channeled in his own meditations.

His hope is that this cross-over novel, part thriller, and part spiritual wisdom text, will point to a new paradigm transcending materialistic science and the dead-end dogmas of traditional religion as well as the cultural and gender differences that have caused so much suffering in the human community. If you are interested in Peter’s work, you can also visit the great interfaith website PATHEOS where he is a regular columnist for the spirituality section.

Learn more About Peter on his D7RN Page:

Quantum Spirituality with Peter Canova

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