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Islands of Sanity Archives with Carolyn Baker, Ph.D.

Climate Chaos, Disaster Relief, Health and Food Security

02-03-17   CLIMATE CHAOS, DISASTER RELIEF, HEALTH AND FOOD SECURITY Nick Burk from Relief Analysis discusses the implications of climate chaos in terms of natural disasters and disaster relief. How do we become resilient in terms of infrastructure, food, and health...

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Tempering Optimism with Realism in This Now or Never World

01-27-17   Tempering Optimism with Realism in This Now or Never World Author, consultant, and sacred activist, Will Wilkinson, having just published his book Now or Never, shares what he's learned about the urgency of our predicament and how important it is to temper...

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Only Our Ability To Access Authentic Joy Can Sustain Us

01-20-17   Andrew Harvey & Carolyn Baker: Only Our Ability To Access Authentic Joy Can Sustain Us Ivey Cone interviews Carolyn and Andrew Harvey as they talk about their new book Return To Joy--why they wrote it and why they believe that only our ability to access...

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“Is Doing Inner Work An Aspect Of Privilege?”

01-13-17   "Is Doing Inner Work An Aspect Of Privilege?" Carolyn discusses the difference between inner work as a distraction of privilege vs. a strategy of prevention. What IS inner work, and how does it support or conflict with our activism and other forms of work...

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A Conversation with Philip Shepherd

01-06-17   A Conversation with Philip Shepherd Philip and Carolyn discuss his new book New Self, New World, what it means to be embodied, and why that matters in a time of global crisis.

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Humanity’s Blind Spot Is Humanity’s Undoing

12-30-16   Humanity’s Blind Spot Is Humanity’s Undoing; Grief As The Doorway To Acceptance And Even Joy In The Face Of Our Demise Carolyn and consciousness researcher and author, Peter Russell, discuss humanity's deadly trajectory of acceleration and singularity which...

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Women On The Verge Of Societal Breakdown

12-16-16   WOMEN ON THE VERGE OF SOCIETAL BREAKDOWN Carolyn and Dmitry Orlov discuss Piero San Giorgio's book Women On The Verge Of Societal Breakdown published by Club Orlov Press. Dmitry states that the book illustrates the crucial role which women need to play, as...

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Carolyn’s Holiday Chat: Navigating Daunting Times

12-09-16   CAROLYN'S HOLIDAY CHAT: NAVIGATING DAUNTING TIMES Yes we are facing the extinction of species, but meanwhile, we also face exacerbating tyranny as industrial civilization unravels. How do we reconnect with what truly matters? How do we resist? And how do we...

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How To Be At Peace With The World

11-25-16   How To Be At Peace With The World Dave Pollard shares with Carolyn the ways in which his exploration of the collapse of industrial civilization has influenced his world view and the values by which he lives. In searching his inner world in relation to...

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Return to Joy Vibrant Living in the Face of Despair

11-11-16 Return to Joy Vibrant Living in the Face of Despair Carolyn and Andrew in conversation and celebration of their newly-released book, Return To Joy. What is joy? How is it different from happiness? How do we access it in a time of extinction and endings? What...

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Navigating the Global Crisis as a Millennial

10-28-16   Navigating the Global Crisis as a Millennial Carolyn and Erica Martenson discuss what it's like to be a millennial in the throes of systems collapse and climate chaos. What feelings emerge, what life skills must be learned, what brings joy alongside the...

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An Apprenticeship With Sorrow

10-21-16   An Apprenticeship With Sorrow An Apprenticeship With Sorrow Francis Weller returns to the New Lifeboat Hour to discuss with Carolyn the connection between grief and joy, what it means to have an apprenticeship with sorrow, and the difference our commitment...

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The Work That Reconnects and The Role of Conscious Elders

10-14-16   The Work That Reconnects and The Role of Conscious Elders Carolyn and Molly Young Brown, co-author with Joanna Macy of Coming Back To Life: The Work That Reconnects talks about the role of conscious people and conscious elders in activism. Conscious...

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Active Love: Beyond The Eleventh Hour

10-07-16   Active Love: Beyond The Eleventh Hour Active Love: Beyond The Eleventh Hour Carolyn and her team members Dean Walker and Ivey Cone share their excitement regarding their forthcoming online symposium, Active Love: Beyond The Eleventh Hour. Most exciting is...

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Host Book Corner: Walking by Faith: The Testimonies of God in My Life author Catherine Daniels

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