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divine light brothers08-16-16  Introduction to One United Roar

An introduction to Linda Tucker’s One United Roar..The Global White Lion Protection Trust all based in Timbavati South Africa

In 2002, Linda founded the Global White Lion Protection Trust to ensure the survival of the White Lions as a living heritage. She successfully secured vast protected heritage lands for them in the unique ecosystem which is their endemic habitat – the United Nations-designated Kruger to Canyons Biosphere.

For twenty years, Linda has promoted a LionHearted Leadership™ model for sustainable living with mutual benefits for Lions, Land and People.

Her initiatives include the StarLion Program, a global eco-educational program for emerging talent in youth leadership, and the White Lion Leadership Academy founded in 2012 and based on heart-centred knowledge which enables adult leaders from all walks of life to become powerful agents of change.

2016 sees the emergence of the Linda Tucker Foundation, which continues to teach LionHearted Leadership™ strategies in ecosystems and human systems for protecting our earth.

By following the keys provided by the lions themselves, the 12 Laws of LionHearted Leadership which Linda Tucker unpacks in her shows with humour, joy and a deep celebration of Sacred Warriorship and the Divinity of Life.

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