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11-06-17  Improving Mobility in Arthritic Pets

In this week’s segment, Dr. Morgan gives a long distance welcome to Dr. Megan Kelly, Veterinarian and Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner, joining us from Cape Town, South Africa.   In 2005, Dr. Kelly, already a practicing veterinary surgeon, became certified in Canine Rehabilitation at the University of Tennessee, and also completed a course in veterinary acupuncture through the British Veterinary Acupuncture Association. She has been in the field of veterinary rehabilitation for twelve years and is actively involved in educating pet owners and veterinary professionals on treating musculoskeletal conditions, preventing injuries and improving the quality of life of arthritic pets.  After successfully treating arthritic and paralyzed pets for 10 years, she decided to share all her knowledge with pet owners through, an online platform educating and empowering pet owners with the knowledge to help their arthritic pets. She has developed a twelve-week, online strengthening program for pet owners to conduct with their pets at home, as well an online massage course.  In addition, Dr. Kelly has written a number of e-books covering rehabilitation practices for pet owners and in 2017, launched WEBINAR, a continued professional platform for veterinary rehabilitation professionals. Hers is a genuine passion for rehabilitation at its best and you’ll definitely want to tune in to hear Drs. Morgan and Kelly discuss all you can do to take control of your pet’s health.

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