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05-28-17   Title: How Dialoguing with Your Loved One in Spirit Dissolves Grief

Description: Did you know that it is possible to speak with those in spirit? It’s true. My new Dialoguing with the Departed technique enables you to reconnect with anyone in spirit, which is the only way to turn off the tears, heal unfinished business and obtain divine guidance on what you must do to experience health and prosperity in every aspect of your life.

In this episode, I am going to guide you to establish your own dialogue by teaching you how to Set the Stage, and handle the What If Nobody’s Home phenomenon. I will also show you how to use gratitude to assist you in reconnecting and give you an overview of how you can dialogue through Mind Melding and Written Dialogues.

My live show offers a rare chance for you to speak with me personally and obtain my assistance in establishing your own dialogue with your loved one.

I look forward to speaking with you live and helping you to reconnect, dialogue and transform your grief to joy!

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