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12-11-17  Heather Lyn Mann: Ocean of Insight

Heather Lyn Mann was a battle–weary environmental advocate in Madison, Wisconsin, struggling over what to do about climate change when she and her husband decided to explore the Atlantic on a small sloop. This memoir of six years living afloat is a chronological unfolding of disasters and discoveries—life–threatening storms, the boredom of isolation, societies on the brink of extinction, sinking ships, colorful Caribbean characters, near collisions, a pirate scare, and more. Throughout, the ocean becomes Mann’s teacher, transforming her with uncompromising lessons on how to harmonize with natural order, the exact moments and ways to let in fearlessness, resilience, happiness, impermanence, balance, compassion, skillful action, and beginner’s mind.

Spiritual ecologist Heather Lyn Mann is a practitioner of Buddhism, sailing, and mindful advocacy. After earning a Masters in Environmental Science from University of Wisconsin’s Nelson Institute, she founded and led the not-for-profit Center for Resilient Cities–an organization mobilizing inner-city residents to restore natural beauty and function in damaged neighborhood landscapes. Today, in her home community of Charleston, SC, Mann is helping launch Higher Ground–a collaborative of spiritual and thought leaders, scientists, artists, and others rising to meet our environmental crisis.

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