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11-14-18  Gratitude, Pilgrimage, and Holy Sites, Oh MY!

November is Thanksgiving in the US is a time where we typically focus on gratitude. For the big meal – for the big things in life. But what would our lives be like if we were thankful for small things, every day? Join Lora and travel writer Lori Erickson as they discuss Gratitude. Gratitude for the small, for the more mundane things in life, and how small, consistent doses of gratitude can actually make us happier.

Explore how pilgrimages – both large and small – can be a part of our own personal gratitude practice, and how they can connect us deeply into our faith, our past, our community and most importantly, our own hearts.

Are you ready to be transformed?

Lori is the author of the memoir Holy Rover: Journeys in Search of Mystery, Miracles, and God, which was named by the Associated Press as one of the top eight travel books of the 2017 holiday season. Both irreverent and devout, Holy Rover explores the transformative power of travel through trips to a dozen holy sites. 

“The writing is so good that you’ll speed through this book and wish it didn’t end. Add the perfect touch of humor, and you won’t realize how much serious ground historically and theologically you’ve covered. Read it with pleasure.” –Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul and Ageless Soul.

Lori has written other travel-related books and more than a thousand articles for national and regional publications. She’s also the creator of Spiritual Travels, a website featuring holy sites around the world.

You can find her on social media or sign up for her newsletter at

Here is the link to MY new “Peace & Gratitude this Thanksgiving with 20/20 Perfect Holiday Vision!” in 20 days, for $20 and 20 minutes a week. HURRY! It all begins November 1st!!

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