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11-01-23 Giving Up Too Much of Yourself? Why We Do It and How to Stop

Are you betraying yourself? Many women are taught to be “good girls,” to please others, conform to standards, and to perform up to somebody else’s standards. But living like this is a betrayal of self. Unless we know ourselves, and can confidently show ourselves, we risk losing ourselves.

Top take-a-ways

  • What it means to “give up too much of yourself” or to self-betray.
  • The covert reasons why we tend to self-sacrifice, shrink, and cover who we are.
  • Two simple practices for reclaiming your identity, self-worth, and figuring out what you really want.

Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.

About Lora:

Author, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle help women rebuild their identity and self-worth so they can find the courage to claim what’s possible on the other side of betrayal.

Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at and follow me across all social!

Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here:

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