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05-04-23 Gaea Star Crystal Radio Hour #527 is an hour of visionary acoustic improvisational music featuring the Gaea Star Band with Mariam Massaro on vocals, acoustic guitar, Native flute, ukulele, dulcimer and shruti box, Bob Sherwood on piano and Craig Harris on congas and Native drums.  Today’s show is recorded live at Singing Brook Studio in Worthington, Massachusetts in mid-April of 2023 and begins with the energized spring anthem “Oh Jaly, Jaly”, a sprightly, bright jam underpinned by Mariam’s chiming dulcimer and Craig’s steady conga work.  “Oh May We All Shine Brightly One Of These Days” is a hypnotic, stately circular song brought into being by an extended Native flute fanfare from Mariam and “Where Life Is Simply Unfolding Sweetly” is a pretty, soulful, bittersweet ballad underpinned by Mariam’s velvety ukulele chords and beautiful melody.  “Full Of Grace” is a beautiful, veiled, minor folk ballad featuring chiming acoustic guitar from Mariam supporting her mystical poetry and “Life Unfolds So Sweetly” is a deeply felt, deeply spiritual ballad with a deep heartbeat pulse from Craig’s Native drum and hypnotic piano from Bob.   “Listen To The Wisdom Of The Ancient Ones” is a lush, mystical raga underpinned by Mariam’s shruti box and featuring imaginative images from Mariam and Hindustani blues piano from Bob to close today’s show on a meditative note.

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