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04-01-21 Gaea Star Crystal Radio Hour #436 is an hour of inspirational, visionary acoustic musical improvisation featuring the Gaea Star Band with Mariam Massaro on vocals, Native flute, harmonica, acoustic guitar and ukulele, Bob Sherwood on piano and vocals and Craig Harris on Native drum and congas.  Recorded live in March of 2021 at Singing Brook Studio in Worthington, Massachusetts, today’s show opens with a tight, driving version of Mariam’s “Vision Quest” song “Standing Ones Of Peace”, a minor blues prayer to the trees with fine blues piano from Bob and beautiful, rocking Native flute from Mariam.  “The Trail Of Light” is a light, steady folk ballad powered by the tight mesh of Mariam’s acoustic guitar and Bob’s piano, and “Pretty Pink All Around” is a swirling, mystical, psychedelic high point with a mesmerizing piano figure from Bob below Mariam’s surreal, prayerful lyric and assertive blues harp.  “Layers” begins with minor Indian implications and cleverly slides into a major folk vamp with a hypnotic, dancing rhythm from Craig as Mariam enumerates the elements of bliss.  “Castle In The Sky” stumbles over an amusing false start before arriving fully formed as a percolating rock ragtime with clever clockwork piano from Bob and an insouciant, bluesy melody from Mariam.  “You’re A Radiant Star” is a deeply affecting, minor key love song with an impassioned, diving melody from Mariam.  Bob delivers his new song “Meaning” with a somber, deeply felt vocal, and also featured are Mariam’s beautiful Native flute passages.  Today’s show finishes with the majestic but understated “I Am The Now”, a tribute and a loving farewell to Mariam’s llama Marona.

Learn more about Mariam here:

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