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04-02-20 Gaea Star Crystal Radio Hour #387 Part Two

Join us for a compelling, exciting hour of dynamic, visionary acoustic improvisational music today on the Gaea Star Crystal Radio Hour #387 Part Two.  Recorded live at Singing Brook Studio in Worthington Massachusetts in March 2020, today’s show features the Gaea Star Band with Mariam Massaro on vocals, native flute, sitar, acoustic guitar, Shrudi box and ukulele, Bob Sherwood on piano and Craig Harris on congas and native drums.  Today’s show begins with the mystical “Into The Realm Of Light” with Mariam playing her sitar and singing a hopeful and compelling lyric in the face of the pandemic.  For “Simply Be” Mariam ads native flute fanfares to the raga, this time a tale of faeries and woodland creatures.  “We’re Rising High Above It” is a sunny folk song that addresses the pandemic crisis with humor and a high vibration of unity and change and “Such A Delight” continues in a lighter vein with fine ukulele from Mariam and gospel/opera piano from Bob.  “Breathe In The Beauty” is a lush, mystical piece led again by Mariam’s ukulele and a fine, driving conga groove from Craig as we explore more eastern modalities with a spirit of energy and adventure.  Bob introduces a series of variations that enrich the fabric of this simple, driving piece.  “Ride The Waves” introduces a hypnotic drone via Mariam’s shrudi box, an interesting instrument that is the sonic cousin of the bagpipe with it’s chordal drones.  Bob adds harmonic variety beneath Mariam’s prayerful lyric.  Mariam picks up her acoustic guitar for today’s final piece, the evocative “Into The River”, a beautiful, melancholic, swirling, emotional piece that closes today’s show on a characteristically elevated vibration.

Learn more about Mariam here:

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