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02-27-20 Gaea Star Crystal Radio Hour #384

Gaea Star Crystal Radio Hour is an hour of visionary acoustic improivisational music recorded at Singing Brook Studio in Worthington MA and features the Gaea Star Band with Mariam Massaro on vocals, native flute, ukulele, celtic harp and acoustic guitar, Craig Harris on congas and native drums and Bob Sherwood on piano and percussion.  We begin today with the serious driving groove of “It’s Coming Around The Bend”, a driving, hypnotic piece led by excellent native flute work from Mariam.  “All Aboard The Dream Time Train” retains the groove of the first number and drives along over a steady native drum groove from Craig and “Nothing More Important Than To Care” is an ode to compassion built on a mystical piano figure from Bob.  “Thank You For The Blessings Of The Loving Ways” features Mariam’s celtic harp supporting a fine, lustrous melody from Mariam.  “Let’s Sail On A Crystal Dragon Dream Throne” rides a lush groove driven by Mariam’s ukulele and gorgeous vocal and we finish today’s show with a fine, sprightly take of Mariam’s pretty “Shamiyaya”.

Learn more about Mariam here:

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