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04-28-16   Gaea Star Crystal Radio Hour #212 is recorded live at Singing Brook Studio in Worthington, Massachusetts. Today, Mariam Massaro, Craig Harris and Bob Sherwood of The Gaea Star Band welcome very special guest singer/songwriter and feelings detective Josh Cole.  Josh presents some of his compelling work as well as joining the Gaea Star Band in a series of beautiful songs and improvisations.  Today we begin with Mariam’s mystical song “Voices In The Rain” featuring a mysterious lyric from Mariam decorated with her lovely native flute and acoustic twelve-string and vocals from Josh.  The pretty, hymnlike “Emeraldina On The Rocks” follows, featuring a fine vocal and more flute from Mariam and a series of descending piano motifs from Bob.  Next up the Gaea Star Band back up Josh Cole as he sings his “Always Only Air”, a spacious, bluesy ode to growth with a fine, affecting vocal and incisive additions from the band.  “Always Only Air” grows into a gorgeous improvised coda called “Never Give Up”.  Without pause we continue into Mariam’s driving “We’re All The Same” featuring counter vocals from Josh and an imaginative piano framing from Bob.  More blues follows with “Everyone Needs Room To Grow”, powered along by Josh’s 12-string and Craig’s steady conga track as well as relentless R&B piano from Bob.  “Sing In The Morning/We All Have To Get Along” is an inspiring folk song from Mariam and features a beautiful duet between Mariam and Josh as well as an imaginative recasting of JS Bach’s “1812 Overture” from Bob on piano.

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