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04-21-16   Gaea Star Crystal Radio Hour #211 was recorded live at the Singing Bridge Performing Arts Lodge in front of a live radio audience and features Mariam Massaro, Bob Sherwood and Craig Harris of the Gaea Star Band with very special guests.  Today’s first piece is Mariam’s striking “The Beginning”, a first-rate piece of Goddess Rock that features a taut rythmn section of Mariam’s acoustic guitar, Bob’s dramatic, searching piano and a commanding conga performance from Craig.  Next up is the beautiful folk song “Rise And Sing” which features a glorious, cyclical refrain with call-and-response vocals featuring Mariam and the always-imaginative Sondra Lewis.  “Rebirth” is a mystical, unusual piece featuring an evocative lyric and dancing ukulele from Mariam and fine vocals and percussion from Sondra.  “Winter’s Last Hurrah” is a snowy, austere theme that unfolds in a series of dramatic flourishes and returns for an epic coda as we are joined by singers Amanda Potluck and John-Michael Dumais providing a bridge to the summit of the piece and of today’s show.

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